
1375 Virginia Drive, Suite 245  Ft. Washington, PA 19034

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Supplemental Unemployment Benefit

To Apply for SUB Benefits – Please Call 888-542-8511

You can now apply for SUB with your phone via this link. Click here

Take note:  You must apply for benefits within 90 days of the Saturday of the week you are first unemployed and eligible for benefits.  Subsequent claims must be made within 90 days of the week-ending for which benefits are payable.

Eligibility You may be eligible if you are working for an employer who is making contributions to the SUB Fund as the result of a collective bargaining agreement. This is a member-only benefit.
When Your Coverage Begins Coverage may begin after you have been credited with at least 500 hours in a 12-month period.
Cost Your employer makes contributions to the SUB Fund on your behalf.
When Benefits Are Paid Your supplemental unemployment benefit will be paid during periods of unemployment due to a layoff or disability. You must have been credited with at least 500 hours in the 12 months before the month of your initial benefit year. (Your initial benefit year starts on the Saturday of the week you first qualify and apply for benefits and ends one year later.)
How Long Benefits Are Paid You may receive benefits for up to 39 weeks for either:
Any one period of unemployment; or
All periods of unemployment during one benefit year
Benefit Amount The SUB Fund provides you with $125 per week.
Claim Submission You complete the application process by phone. The SUB Application Line (SAL) is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call toll free at 1-888-542-8511. Follow the prompts to complete your initial application and your continued certification. Your Local District Agent must certify that you are on the Local 542 out of work list, are available for work, and have not refused employment when it has been offered.
When Your Coverage Ends You will continue to be eligible for coverage, provided your employer continues to make the required contributions and you continue to be credited with at least 500 hours in the applicable 12-month period.
Questions Call the Fund office at 1-215-542-8211.

To view the Summary Plan Description of the SUB Plan click here


  • 2024 Health Fair at General Membership Meeting - Click here for mailer
  • Blue Medicare Advantage Plan starting January 1, 2025 instead of Aetna - Click here for mailer
  • Please take note regarding the SUB fund:  You must apply for benefits within 90 days of the Saturday of the week you are first unemployed and eligible for benefits.  Subsequent claims must be made within 90 days of the week -ending for which benefits are payable.
  • The Welfare Fund has been covering CDL Physicals since the start of 2018.  Click here for the requirements for reimbursement.
  • Motor Vehicle Accidents are Not covered by the Welfare Fund.  (Please talk to your insurance agent about increasing your medical coverage.)
  • Non-spousal Dependent Maternity is not covered.
  • Let us know when you: get Married or Divorced, have a child, or move.
  • When retired, our Health & Welfare plan (if eligible) requires you and/or your spouse to have Medicare A & B when eligible.